
Posts Tagged ‘Manny Delcarmen’

2004 ALCS flashbacks and singing birds. And rainbows. And probably a unicorn.

January 31, 2012 1 comment

What a beautiful day in Boone, North Carolina! The sun, Soxies, is shining. The temperature is NOT freezing. The mood? Chipper. That’s right. CHIPPER. All, my dears, is right with the world.

And the internet is complimenting my day. The internet NEVER does that.

See, in honor of the Super Bowl, Time Magazine recreated great New York vs Boston moments

Like the 2004 ALCS!

It’s like Time Magazine said to itself, “how can we make Lauren’s already spectacular morning even more spectacular? Why, with a double dose of 2004 miraculousness.”

The Sox didn’t need extra-innings to win game six but rather starting pitcher Curt Schilling bravely playing through the pain of a torn tendon sheath to pitch the Sox to victory (it would forever be known as the bloody sock game). By now the Yankees were reeling and with Johnny Damon hitting a grand slam early on in the winner-take-all game seven, New York couldn’t recover and arguably the greatest choke in sports history was complete. The Sox became the first team in MLB history to lose the first three games and win a seven-match series. They didn’t lose another game, sweeping the St. Louis Cardinals in the World Series to finally end the 86 year-long curse.

So, see, Oswalt, I no longer give a frick what you do. Go ahead and meet with the fricking Rangers. It is of little consequence today.

And Delcarmen, I LOVE that you’re the Stank’s problem now. Good for you. Have fun.

And sure, Ben Cherington. Tell the world that our rotation is game ready. Go ahead.

Not even your extreme denial can bring me down today.

Because there are birds today, people. Birds. And they are singing and not shitting all over metaphorical cars. You know. Like hopes and dreams.

The shithawks? Not hovering around MY head.

Yay, today.

Life is good.


PS- Are you my Twitter friend yet? Because you should be.